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what's mach 10

What's Mach 10 - Key takeaway: America may not have very powerful and fast drones (though you never know). If the Pentagon doesn't have a secret weapon, who knows what the Iranians have found.

Iran is the only country other than the United States that has operated the most powerful attack aircraft in history, the F-14 Tomcat. And the Islamic Republic has worked on a twin-engine, winged fighter

What's Mach 10

What's Mach 10

The F-14 played a major role in Iran's war with Iraq from 1980 to 1988. Only Iranian Tomcat pilots managed to use the AIM-54 Phoenix.F-14 long-range missile to shoot down enemy aircraft.

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In the decades after the war, Tehran built and upgraded the remaining F-14s, scavenging for parts in response to threats from the US government.

The Americans retired the F-14 in 2006, but about 40 of the Tomcats in Iran are still active. Their mission is to protect Iran's nuclear facilities. The interceptors were a mission closely linked to the mysterious plane, according to a strange and fascinating 2013 story in Combat Aircraft magazine by journalist Babak Taghvaee.

The Iranians believed the objects were spy drones belonging to the US Central Intelligence Agency, sent to spy on Tehran's atomic weapons program. But they claim to have the characteristics of an unmanned aircraft and capabilities beyond what a drone can realize.

And in 2012, one of the alleged flying robots allegedly shot down an F-14 that was trying to intercept it. Or at least some Iranians seem to believe so.

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Over the decades, Tehran has built three large nuclear facilities that can be used to assemble atomic weapons: reactors in Bushehr and Arak and a plant in Natanz.

This facility became public knowledge in 2002. There is no doubt that the CIA was very interested, probably long before that date. It "sent several reconnaissance UAVs to gather intelligence to prepare for possible attacks" by Western forces, Taghvaee wrote.

To protect its nuclear facilities, in 2004 Iran deployed a task force of eight F-4E and eight F-14 fighters along with former 707 jets and C-130 cargo planes equipped with sensors and radios to - command and control. The task force encountered what it believed to be a CIA drone with "amazing flight characteristics".

What's Mach 10

UAVs can jam radars and disrupt navigation systems. They flew "out of the atmosphere" at speeds up to Mach 10. They could move. Flying at night, they emit a bright blue light that led to the nickname: "shining things".

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"In many cases... they were engaged by F-14 but their weapon systems could not work properly," Taghvaee wrote. A Tomcat that took off to intercept a powerful object on January 26, 2012 mysteriously exploded, killing both crew members. Taghvaee means that the alleged UAV is responsible, as the F-14 in question is "one of the best" of the approximately 40 Tomcats in service.

It goes without saying that the CIA and the Pentagon can fly spy planes close to - and even over - Iranian nuclear sites. In 2012 and 2013, Iranian fighters tried to intercept American Predator drones outside Tehran's airspace. In an incident in 2013, an F-22 stealth fighter from the United States intercepted some.

In 2009, the Air Force was faced with the existence of a new secret drone that previously worked with intelligence agencies. The RQ-170 Sentinel is based in southern Afghanistan a short distance from Iran. In December 2011, Sentinel crashed on the Afghanistan-Iran border and was captured by Iranian forces.

Neither the Predator nor the Sentinel can fly or glow blue. And it has no electrical power to operate radar and navigation equipment.

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Rumors surface that the Air Force and CIA are using new stealth drones that have not been revealed to the public. Even if they do, it's likely that the new UAV will be able to fly hypersonic Mach-10 — the Pentagon is still struggling to reach Mach five. They call it a "scramjet", a very fast machine that can take an airplane out of there. San Francisco to Washington, D.C., in about 20 minutes -- or even faster. You can quickly put satellites in space. You can quickly drop a cruise missile on an enemy target, almost like shooting a gun.

Next week, NASA plans to break the spaceflight speed record for the second time in 7 1/2 months by flying the X-43A rocket-assisted scramjet 110,000 feet ' above the Pacific Ocean at speeds approaching Mach 10 - about 7. , 200 mph, or 10 times the speed of sound.

The flight will last about 10 seconds and will end with the landing of the drone in a water cemetery 850 miles off the coast of California. But even if the X-43A didn't set the record, it proved the 40-year dream of "hypersonic" flight - using air-breathing engines to reach speeds higher than Mach 5 (3,800 mph) - - came true - there.

What's Mach 10

Unlike rockets, which must carry oxygen with them as a "combustor" to ignite the fuel supply, scramjets draw oxygen from the atmosphere, which provides an enormous saving in the weight of the aircraft, and World researchers want to take advantage.

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In northeastern Australia, a scramjet team funded by the United States and the Australian military will test Mach 10 next year as the first step in using scramjets to put satellites into space. The US Air Force hopes to demonstrate within five years a fast scramjet-powered cruise missile capable of delivering depth charges to hard targets. Other projects are underway in France and Japan.

Under NASA's $250 million Hyper-X program, engineers at the Langley Research Center here and the Dryden Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, designed and built three scramjet aircraft of -aluminium, each 12 meters in length and weighing about 2,800 pounds. Controllers canceled the first test flight in 2001 after an engine failure.

But the second, on March 24, reached Mach 6.83 (5,200 mph), breaking the world speed record for a non-breathing, non-rocket-powered aircraft sustained by rockets. The highest attack aircraft speed was achieved by the SR-71, the American spy plane known as "Blackbird", capable of flying at Mach 3 (2,300 mph).

"The idea is to demonstrate these technologies," said Luat T. Nguyen, deputy program manager who designed the X-43A. "We did it. This is the first working scramjet, and it's the only one right now."

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A third flight next week will test the X-43A's limits. Temperatures will rise: The front end of the plane's nose will reach about 3,700 degrees Fahrenheit, 1,600 degrees hotter than during the March flight.

In addition, Nguyen added, "it's more difficult to operate at Mach 10 than at Mach 7. You want it to be strong enough to give us the level of performance that we want, and at Mach 10, the more hate the restriction."

Regardless of the result, the third flight will be the last. The Hyper-X program is ending, and there are no plans to replace it. The next step is up to researchers elsewhere.

What's Mach 10

"What they did was lay the foundation for how to go further," said Allan Paull, from the University of Queensland in Australia, leader of the US-Australia scramjet project "HyShot", about the NASA. "We live in a high-tech society built on time. We've gone from horses and carts to scramjets in 200 years."

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Barring mechanical problems or bad weather, the X-43A and its Pegasus rocket launcher will depart Dryden between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Pacific time, hanging under the belly of a B-52B launch plane.

About 50 miles off the coast of California, a B-52 would put the ship at an altitude of 40,000 feet. The booster rocket will ignite and bring the speed of the X-43A close to Mach 10 at an altitude of 110,000 feet. At that point the controller will fire two small pistons to propel the rocket. Then they would open the hood that covers the air intake of the X-43A and start the engine.

Scramjets work on the same principle as all jet engines - burning fuel in compressed air and aiming the expanding gas backwards to propel the aircraft forward. A typical turbojet uses a fan to compress the air and can reach speeds of about Mach 2.2 (1,600 mph).

"Ramjets" can reach supersonic speeds of up to Mach 6 (4,600 mph) by using air movement for jet combustion. But the air must slow down to subsonic speed to catch fire.

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Scramjets (short for "supersonic combustion ramjets") are ramjets that burn fuel in the air that travel at supersonic speeds, a feat NASA likens to "lighting a match in a hurricane." To work, the whole plane becomes a giant scoop, open to take in air and compress before injecting a chemical called silane, which burns in the presence of air. The hydrogen fuel rises as the flame ignites.

Neither ramjet nor scramjet can work immediately. The Blackbird used a turbojet

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